The mission of the Sullivan County Government Wellness Committee is to promote a healthy place to work and promote a worksite culture that supports employees’ desire to make healthy lifestyle choices.
Goals of the committee
Promote healthy lifestyle behaviors;
Develop educational outreach activities;
Encourage personal and professional productivity;
Encourage physical, mental, social, and holistic well-being
Reduce absenteeism
Increase productivity
Lower workers compensation claims
Improve employee engagement /satisfaction
Promote a clean, healthy and safe environment
A check presented to Howie Goldsmith on behalf of the Veterans Coalition, happened this past Monday at Bold Gold Media with Paul Ciliberto, and Friends. From left with friends are: Host Paul Ciliberto, Patricia Pelletier Department of Public Health, Howie Goldsmith Sullivan County Veterans Coalition, Ericka Acevedo Department of Health & Human Services, Brad Matican, Monster Classic Run/Walk Organizer and Les Kristt of Kristt Kelly Office Supply Corp. Sponsored by the Monticello Rotary, the Monster Classic happens this Sunday August 4th, 8:45 am sharp!
Looking for Sullivan County Employee's to participate in the Monster Classic, check your emails for details!
See you Sunday!
Come Join Us!
Come join Sullivan County employees and their families at the next Wellness event. Many are open to all and are kid-and pet-friendly!
Current and Former Sullivan County staff on the Hurleyville Rail Trail-March 2021