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County Has Immediate Need for Drivers of the Elderly

Monticello, NY – With more requests than the current crop of volunteers can fulfill, the Retired Senior Volunteer Program (RSVP) urgently seeks additional drivers to take local senior citizens to crucial medical appointments.

“This is an invaluable service to our community but one in which we constantly struggle to maintain a level of volunteer drivers adequate to meet the demand,” RSVP Project Director Caryn Mathews stated. “Currently, we average 100+ requests a month yet can only provide drivers for about half of that.”

“Though they live independently, many of our seniors have no means of transportation to take them to needed medical appointments,” explained Debi Allen, director of the Sullivan County Office for the Aging, of which RSVP is a part. “We’re asking our 55-and-older residents who possess a valid driver’s license to donate even just one-half-day a month of their time to help someone’s mom, dad, aunt, uncle, grandfather or grandmother continue to have a fulfilling and healthy quality of life.”

“All our RSVP volunteers need do is drive these folks to and from their medical appointments. These seniors are mobile (some have an aide to accompany them), and so a driver only has to get them safely to their destination, wait a short time, then bring them home,” detailed Sullivan County Manager Josh Potosek. “We provide the personal liability insurance coverage and reimburse for mileage, while the passengers themselves often provide good company and fascinating conversation!”

“Typical trips are to Monticello and Liberty, or to Middletown or Port Jervis,” Mathews added. “So these are not long drives, and they’re made all the shorter by the friendships forged on the road.”

Can you help? Do you know someone who can? Then please pass the word: Mathews eagerly welcomes inquiries at 845-807-0251.