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County to Begin Vaccination Clinics January 20

Liberty, NY – “Sullivan County Public Health Services (SCPHS) is very excited by the Governor’s announcement regarding the vaccination of Priority Group 1A and now, Priority Group 1B,” announced Public Health Director Nancy McGraw today.

“We have been partnering with Garnet Health and coordinating planning efforts Countywide, providing staffing and logistical support for the ongoing vaccination efforts,” she explained. “At the same time, our Epidemiology staff remain extremely busy, conducting COVID-19 case investigations and contact-tracing efforts.”

The County’s dashboard for updates on the number of active cases locally can be found at

“In addition, we are looking forward to vaccinating eligible community members through public health clinics once we receive vaccine from New York State and appointments become available,” McGraw added. “We have scheduled weekly vaccination clinics starting Jan. 20, and then twice-weekly beginning mid-February by registration/appointment-only for the first group needing their second shot. We will have more information regarding the registration process once we hear about our vaccine shipments.”

Sullivan County Public Health Services is also planning a large Point-Of-Dispensing (POD) clinic for the near future when additional vaccine becomes more widely available and more of the public becomes eligible to receive vaccine, so please check regularly at the County’s vaccine information page: or by calling 845-513-2268.

In the meantime, Garnet Health’s website details their plans for continuing vaccination efforts at Garnet also has a 24/7 phone line with a regularly updated recording at 845-333-8978 (messages cannot be left at this number).

“Updates will be provided as new information becomes available for Sullivan County residents,” McGraw affirmed. “In the meantime, we ask the public to be patient, please stay safe, wear your mask, social distance, and wash your hands.”

For more information, you can also contact the State at 1-833-NYS-4-VAX (1-833-697-4829).